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Golden Opportunity in Buffalo

Adult act

Friend - you gonna Golden opportunity in Buffalo tonight?
Chris - probably not =\

by GoNoles1-11 September 4, 2019

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The golden slip and slide

When butter is place inside of ones anus and then allowed to melt onto the floor, then two people have sex in the puddle

Damn jane and i tried the golden slip and slide.

by Ja2z March 20, 2015

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golden gate bridge

When you lie on your back between the chair and the ottoman and your lover straddles you and pees on you while reading the newspaper

When I got home last night, my wife gave me a golden gate bridge

by tim-tim April 7, 2004

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Golden Shoe Polish

When someone urinates on your shoe. (Most Commonly when in a bathroom stall).

I was just in the bathroom and got a golden shoe polish from your weird friend.

by Mr. Super Face August 13, 2010

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Golden Gate Bridge

sexual position going across two beds, works best in a hotel room. It involves 2 guys and 2 girls. the girls lean over the gap of the beds on all fours and make out while each of the guys do the girls doggy and proceed to high five over the girls.

Easiest to accomplish in Seaside NJ.

GGB, Golden Gate Bridge

by c-toe January 4, 2010

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Golden snitch nigga

Golden snitch and I get some mythical creature you can find the forest in order to summon him you have to put down for a bucket of chicken from KFC and one piece of corn meal in the buckets he will only come out at 12 a.m. and his movement patterns are quite obscure he wears a long trench coat with no pants and different colored socks you can rarely find him wearing a slipper but that's a one out of a thousand chance his face is painted gold and his ears are shaped like the golden snitch from Harry Potter trademark one of his quotes is shut the f****** b**** dumb m*********** and where are my raviolis my boy he is a very good boy with a low chicken tolerance yet he has a high tolerance to whips and chains

Look over there! Its the golden snitch nigga! We must catch him for various wishes

by Golden snitch nigga June 14, 2018

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4th gen golden boy

So K-Media called Taehyun as "Golden Boy" oh yeah a new title and we love to see it!!!


by k0te November 18, 2020

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