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Threasa price

Being defined as a big fat cow who lives in 119 feild rode

by Symbludtings October 27, 2019


Your mother.

your cow fucked me raw last night.

by MultiOzone June 25, 2015


A nickname for someone who’s last name starts with the sound like mooooooo

people call me cow because my last name is mucciacciaro(mooooo-cha-cha-ro)

by great I have no life October 20, 2019


1: Female bovine whose counterpart is a bull.
2: Victorian insult for an uncouth woman.
3: IM shorthand for coward.
4: Female media personality who writes hit pieces on other women and their families, just to get ahead in the media industry. Popularized by the hit T.V. show "Ugly Betty".

1: That cow sure is eating a lot of grass.
2: Look at that drunken woman cussing like a sailor, she's nothing but a cow.
3: Did you see that cow blocked me after talking shit?
4: I can't believe that cow wrote all those lies about J. K. Rowling.

by The Prince Orono December 15, 2021


A fat vegan, or a vegan that eats grass. Can also be both.

Person 1: Person 3 looks pretty fat.
Person 2: Person 3 is a vegan, so he's a cow.
Person 1: Why is person 3 eating grass?
Person 2: He must be a cow.

by Based Cow November 18, 2021


a stupid and fat animal that has no brains and feeds us milk!!!!!

I am drinking milk from a cows tits!!!

by boo boo butt 13 April 9, 2020


Condo On Wheels

You are the dumbest redneck, a COW it doesn't go moo and it isn't a Condo On Wheels, it's a fucking trailer, what

a dumbass condo, on wheels....

by WGOMBAR November 4, 2010