Hides the acronym TAD which means Total Alien Death. A play on the racist neo-nazi Totally Nice Day meaning Total N***er Death. Popularized by tiktok in a xenophobic trend following “the indomitable human spirit”
John: Remember David, have a totally awesome day.
David: Right back at you
👽: Zeenkie dinkle gorp “Honey im home!” Bogle bink 👽🙏
3👍 2👎
“Totally awesome day” is a parody dogwhistle meaning “total alien death”. Alien in this instance is used to refer to extraterrestrials as in martians and not human immigrants.
The phrase comes from a TikTok where it is used in the comment sections of human supremacy edits. These edits often involve the idea of humans being superior to other lifeforms, usually because humans were ‘made in the image of god’ or some similar reason.
Basically it’s space racism.
Virgin Martian: “Bleep plam human flirp?”
Chad Human: “Have a totally awesome day!”
Virgin Martian: “Globu kling blorp… D:”
October 12th ask out anybody! It's ok to get rejected but nobody is supposed to be sine on this day
Aubrey: are you Still single
Me: yea why?
Aubrey : not any more it's national ask out day
On may 4th of every year you have a one time chance to ask someone out. Whether it’s a friend or someone you just find attractive, May 4th is the day
person 1: “yo dude I know you like that girl, go shoot your shot”
Person 2: “I’m too shy to”
Person 1: “But it’s may 4th! It’s national ask out day!”
Person 2: “alright fine”
February 28th is the day of beat a woman day.
Some guy : Hey! It's beat a woman day!
Woman : FUCK!
When gibby and rice be co president and make spirit day lick a crack day. everyone licks cracks, picks cracks, and sniffs cracks! mr sherry does human centipede
“Hey Mr Sherry! Today is lick a crack day! Get ready!” Says Moto
On October 27th in the year 2020, The Dallas collection was made, On this day. We celebrate Dallas. Let us respect and praise Dallas as our lord and saviour. Use this day as a get high free day during the hours of 10pm to 11pm (1 hour) to get wasted
Person 1 - Hey are you celebrating International Dallas day?
Person 2 - let’s get fucked up! (At 10pm)