26 April 2022, national grab ass day. Grab how many asses you can. Good luck
-Damn, that ass juicy.
Grab it! It’s grab ass day
You now can slap or hit anyones bum as its national ass day
Grab ass day is the day were u can go to her and grab her ass
Dam that chick's ass is fine
Grab it man, its grab ass day
Every 9th of March is official grab ass day so find some thic bitches
Ig: 1.kxleem
Snap: K.24z
Thic bitch:
Why that mother fucker grab my ass
Other thic bitch:
It’s good it’s grab ass day
Consent- we don’t know her feel free to grab boys/girls ass
Look go grab Trinty ass
I can’t she has a boyfriend
It’s grab ass day
Nation grab ass day
So you can go grab any girl/guy/Humans Ass
Make sure you get a big one
Boy: guess what day it is
Girl: idk what day is it?
Boy: grab ass day! That means I can grab your ass whenever and you not get mad
Girl: do what ever Idc