When you tighten your ass to the point where you feel immense pain.
Did you hear Gabe’s ass buckling last night?
An individual so horrible at the video game: Destiny 2, that the only role they can secure in a multi-player activity is to kill weaker enemies inside of damage encounters.
Where is that Ad-clear Ass-Monkey, and why the fuck isn't he killing ads?
what a juicy assඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞ
my thic ass exploded after eating taco bell,ඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞ
A bitch always calling somebody a ham as nigga, but she the one doing ham ass shit; ham ass bitch
I need some money to pay rent bitch you just got yo hair n nails done and a nigga can’t get a dime let alone a meal. A female always yelling my nigga gotta have money and her last nigga was broke as fuck and Bitch you broke!! Ham ass bitch!
When you are so pissed at your brother and he calls on Thanksgiving to complain and thinks you give two shits so you give him an ear up your ass. —-anonymous
You will get an ear up your ass if call me with shit I don’t care about.
What a hot-in-da-crotch stud tells a hot chick whom he's inviting over to his residence for a wildly good time --- i.e., "your warm velvety squeezable posterior will be just as delightful to me regardless of what you're wearing; besides, any garments are gonna be coming off just as soon as you arrive here, anyway, and so it really doesn't matter what you have on at da moment, anyway." :P
Telling a gal to "come ass you are" may indeed put her at ease as far as wardrobe concerns, but it could also give her second thoughts about whether she wants to show up in da first place, since "jumping straight to fourth base" --- i.e., merely having you immediately rip off all her clothes and take a flying leap into bed with her --- might not be what she'd originally had in mind for said visit.
The best thing you'll ever see in your life.The ass of a very hot dude.
Guy: This Girl has a nice ass.
Me: Have you ever seen Josh Dun's Ass?It's the best thing ever.