Someone who is being completely jerkish
Yo, stop being such a dick stick
somebody who is turned on in what can only be described as absolutely disgusting circumstances (being attracted to little anime girls etc.)
(convo on an anime site)
dick stick: DAMNNNNN SHE KIND A BADDIE THO (talking about Hasegawa Kobato, an underage charater in hagani)
me: For the love of fucking all that is a dinglefuck, DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT DICKSTICK
When one eats so much steak, his penis taste like steak
Kyle had steak dick so bad, I needed A1 sauce for that shit
laytons dick is massive
layton pleases zohara with laytons dick
Go lick a dick – A truncated, vulgar insult often used to express contempt or disdain toward someone. The phrase suggests a crude sexual act and is intended to demean or humiliate the person being addressed. The phrase is offensive and generally considered inappropriate in most social settings. Unless your me
I can't believe you lied to me again—go lick a dick like me
Guys that could emit BDE but are too unbothered to care
Their girlfriends won't tweet about it because these guys could give you the best sex of your life then drink chai tea and go to yoga class
girl 1 - i met a guy last night we smoked and chilled, I wonder how long
girl 2 - guuurl I bet you he has Chill Dick Energy (C.D.E)