The days of housewives behind us, a gaff-daddy is exactly what it sounds like; an absolute lad, totally in control of his masculinity and his three toddlers while Sandra chases that office promotion!
“How come your dad always picks you up from school?”
“Oh, he’s a gaff-daddy!”
Licking sherbert off of your daddy
Hey look daddy has sherbert on his dick! Hes such a sherbert daddy
A sperm donor that falsely represents that they are in their child's life on social media.
Person 1: awww Roger seems like a great dad always posting pictures of his baby.
Person 2: Samatha says he has seen his child once since the 6 months of the child's life. Does not make an effort to pay child support and steals the babies pictures off of her profile and posts them. He isn't a real dadfacebook daddy.
Generic hot frat-guy who probably owns a yatch.
Look at that yatch daddy with his girlfriend.
When one is spoiled beyond recognition.
Did you see that new $600 muscle gun Jack's dad got him? Jack suffers from crippling daddys-moneyitis.