1.) What the the rulers of this world. I e. Authorities, Police, 1st responders use to secretly fund illegal or questionable activities.
2.) Cash, Crypto tokens, Cheques.
Dark money is secretly financing bad behaviour.
He his a young talented hiphop artist .he his dark in complexion .the name dark Dee is gotten from two names dark in complexion (dark) and David (Dee)
Another way of referring to having sex
Come to my house at 8 o'clock, I wanna have some dark fun with you; make sure to bring some condoms.
The fourth meal of the day, typically occurring in between the hours of 2-4 A.M. The meal consists of bones, branches, and feathers; with allowed beverages limited to cream and the weird colors of gatorade.
I usually just sleep through dark scran, I'm not a fan of the feathers.
The best leader.
The best emperor.
The best chief.
The best lord.
"Hey, I just joined and met the DARK Chief! He's pro!"
the dark brown hydroflask is the most gnarly molotov cocktail spinoff
-empty a stolochnaya blueberry vodka halfway
-fill the rest with shit of any kind ( dog, human, cat, horse, deer, cow )
-stuff a cloth in the top light it and lauch it
guy 1: bro, I got in this insane barfight and out of nowhere my homie made me a dark brown hydroflask and now I am facing 13 years for arsen and destruction of property
guy 2: whatever man that shit was definetly worth it
The act of colouring your marijuana with permanent marker to get a dizzying, xylene- free, buzz- high.
"Hey Nigel, wanna come round mine, hit some chilled Dark Chocolate- Mint Slice- Special?"
"Yeah maaan..."