A form of torture where you drill into a persons gums. It is usually used as a form of punishment in eastern Europe by gangs and mafias.
Joe: Did you see what happened to George? he got Russian drilled.
When you blow hot air in your Russian girls Vagina and it blows back the smell on your nose.
Brandon blew into Tanya's vagina giving himself a Russian oven
The maneuver in which a female takes a mouthful of diesel and proceeds to light it on fire whilst the male inserts his scrotum into her mouth. She then spits it into his anus, and he farts into her eyes.
Rob: Hey man, why don't you take a seat? Class is about to start.
Joe: I would, but Kelly gave me the Russian Gasline last night.
the russian fedaral govermentet is an orgniamentsiation made bt the ruasshans who give rations to poor wemon.
ALSO thethe russian fedaral govermentet is in LOOOve with adamn smacker smasher
lore is on other definiteions
the russian fedaral govermentet is parreper rapper rapers who are rapists to the the canada fedaral govermentet
the the adamn fedaral govermentet sucked off the russian fedaral govermentet intementaily
this was forced btw rape.
the russian fedaral govermentet got blown by the the adamn fedaral govermentet
a kid who is russian and sus kinda imposter amongus .
Russian kid was the imposter from among us sus. amonkus sas . impasta russian
when 2 white bald men aggressively have intercourse with each other and put tubes up each other’s asses while singing twinkle twinkle little star
marvin- hey you gonna go out with that fag later?
angel- yeah, we’re gonna do the russian congo
marvin- sick, can i join?
A man called Ricky who just got married to a unicorn
Do you see that Russian chicken with the spot on his head