Source Code

Hot Sack-Lunch

When one defecates in a brown paper lunch sack, closes it, sets it upon a porch or stoop and sets it ablaze! Then the lighter Rings the bell or knocks upon the door and runs to a safe bush or shrubbery within viewing distance. The lightee is supposed to be frightened into stomping the sack out ending up with hot smelly poo all over their shoes. Numnumnumnmnum!

Also known as "Brown Bagging It"

Dude, I just left Mr. Robinson a Hot Sack-Lunch!!!!!
He Brown Bagged Him?SWEET!!

by ZD-Unit February 16, 2007

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oh my sack

A statement of surprise, annoyances, joy or any sort of emotion you can think of. That refers to ones ball sack at the same time.

"Oh my sack that lion just attacked that guy."
"Oh my sack the item of 1337 uberness dropped!"
"WTF is that noob doing... Oh my sack!"

by War bastard of the eastern lands March 11, 2008

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japanese sack punching

a game in japan where the man bends over, lets his ball sack dangle and girls take turns punching it over and over again like a punching bag, first one to pass out losses

man did you catch that episode of japanese sack punching lastnight, i cant believe anyone is dumb enough to do that

by urbanman199876 November 4, 2011

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calm your sack

the "calm down" of horniness.

can be applicable to ladies aswell.

guy: oh man i want you so bad

girl: woah woah there, calm your sack these legs ain't open for no one except my boyfriend!

by The Calm yo Sack Man November 16, 2011

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Little sack mower

a razor used to shave a man's testicular area. Also a term to be randomly shouted.

"He used a little sack mower on his balls"

by Samantha June 28, 2004

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lick my sack

too caress the ball sack with your tongue, usually not by preference.

gay guy to timid gay guy who is still ion closet: Dude, lick my sack or I'll shove my cock in your ear.
-lick my ponch
-lick my scrote
-shave my ball sack with your cats tongue

by SkinnyPete January 5, 2004

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back of my sack

the area between the back of your ball sack and asshole

"You can lick the back of my sack."
"Justin likes to lick the leftover toilet paper from the back of my sack."

by Veeetoe April 12, 2006

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