An amazing pair. These two may fight sometimes but they find themselves being drawn to one another despite any differences they may have. Kayleigh and James may break up a few times but always end up together.
Girl: Awww look at Kayleigh and James they’re so cute together
Girl 2: I swear they broke up a couple weeks ago
Girl: I know, but they always find their way back to one another
u no... He is just a bit of a sick cunt that is a generally nice person and cares for other people like they are a mate. this wild one also comes from the depths of australia. if u r 1 u r a top lad
James Macgill is just a bit of a sick cunt
A person who shits their pants after drinking 3 beers and taking an ADHD pill
Shitting ur pants like James Denkenberger on a Saturday night.
Kate - hey u look good
Anna- nothing like James verdon tho ;) he's
The ability to make anyone do exactly what you want them to do.
a.k.a. - The ability to make anyone your bitch.
Girl: Remember when that guy made his minion finish all his projects a whole week early?
Guy: Yeah, that guy seriously has The James Supremacy
A Scottish man who likes haggis wish haggis sauce
James Morrow is a haggis
When you are having a good day, talk to one person and are immediately put into a bad mood
"Why are you so down Jim?"
"I was happy, but then I talked to Robert"
"Ahh, the James effect"