The terrible lingering smell of your boyfriends facial hair after he has smoked weed.
Boyfriend: Give me a kiss
Girlfriend: No way you have a weed stash go wash that smell off your face.
Boyfriend: OK :(
Overpriced weed that does not get you high.
Stephan: "Ayo need any weed for this weekend? I'll hook you up."
Rob: "Hell no kid you sell that frat weed shit get stepping or get dropped bitch."
Weed so dank that when you smoke it you cannot do anything at all. The weed is so good, that you feel like you are smoking pot that Thugs in movies smoke
Bro, I need to write this paper but I smoked some real thug weed. I can't do shit!
beat weed is just another name for a smacked ass (person). A derogatory term. It was originated in the late sixties (1960's) and was used up until around the end of the seventies. Used almost exclusively by minors or folks in young twenties. Used in the Philadelphia area and perhaps other areas.
Mike > "Dave hung silver streamers on his bike and it looks stupid". Willy> " Yeah-- Dave is a beat weed sometimes".
The Weed Renaissance of 2020 is the phrase dedicated to the period in which stoners came into realization amidst COVID-19 quarantines. Those that smoked weed through the year 2020 & 2021 before and during and those that got into the bud this time. A time the mindset of the drug changed for many, and a time of consciousness. A taste of what the future lies as; and a time of meaning weed has given us.
"The Weed Renaissance of 2020 was something man. . ."
"For real, shit made me understand why and shit."
"And what lies ahead if we don't change."
Weed deemed unsellable to customers, passed off for free or dirt cheep in large quantities.
Known to weight out light due to bud immaturity, have low thc potency, and when cut down before the "flush" (where the plant food chemicals are flushed out by only watering the crops in the last weeks before harvest) can be rough and potentially harmful smokes.
"That Bum Weed you got me gave me a damn chest infection!!"
"Bruh this Bum Weed smells like fucking tea"
"I don't even know if this Bum Weed is safe to cook with"
Weed out the liberals is a party / cult that costs 50:USD Per person
Bob: I’m in the weed out the liberals ! Ritcherd : COOL! Il join too!
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