To talk to yourself a lot while reflecting on incorrect or outdated trivia questions in chat rooms
That one chick is always licking paper instead of just googling the answer
to steal something from school
oh my god that kid just hit a devious lick on all the soap dispensers in the bathroom
damn thats crazy
Awesome. Very good. The opposite of "Blows"
Wow! Did you listen to the new Slurpgang podcast? What a good listen. It licks!
When you steal something from school that will get you lots of girls and everyone will love you
BROOOO I just hit the most devious lick in chemistry, Jessica will sleep with me now.
To get your licks in is equivalent to get my hits in. Getting in a lick means to land a hit in a fight
Ima get my licks in though.
I got a couple of licks in.
to describe an undesirable person.
that kid johnny is a lick. You're a lick. Shut up ya fuckin lick.