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Chan Tin Long

A perfect man you wish you have but he already has a girlfriend and he is loyal to her. Tin Long is the kinda guy that you meet at work or share a class with, he never strikes the impression that he might be a great lover but he is. You wish he was yours, but he belongs to someone else.

Is that crush of your a Chan Tin Long? Yeah, he is a Tin Long, I wish he was mine.

by duongrbee November 25, 2021

Long Island meltdown

A borderline psychotic episode induced by over indulgence (or any indulgence at all) of Long Island Iced Tea(s).

My friend had to be escorted out through the bar alley due to a Long Island meltdown triggered by a joke about some guy looking like "The Brain Surgeon" from the show, Dexter.

by Maggie The Cat September 26, 2014


An SMS-way of saying "At long fucking last!"

Metallica @ Twitter: We have just released our new album, guys!
A fan: @long-far-king-last! Not long before the second comin', for Christ's sake!

by Murdoc Kylburne December 13, 2016


a very long waterpipe

did you see creg with that long-bong-silver

by Colbias14at Gmail dot com March 22, 2011

Long lennon

A absurdly long stretched out image of the Beatles member John Lennon

“Have you seen my image of long Lennon anywhere?”

by angxl December 30, 2025

long sock challenge

This is a scary challenge. First you where long socks (preferably white). Then you all have to sleep in the same room together. Before you go to sleep you each have to say moon 3 times. Then you have to fall asleep on your stomach in order for the challenge to work. When you wake up all of you will have the same nightmare.

(person in sleep over) yo we should do the long sock challenge. (everyone else) good idea!

by the.scary.challenge.guy March 6, 2020

Long neck Stoney

He's a boy who wears stone island A LOT! He literally owns three different pair of hoodies. He's into boys who wear green sweaters. He belongs to some random muslima called S.

'Did you see what he's wearing?'
'OMG! He's such a Long Neck Stoney!'

by SomeoneRandomHahahaLmao November 29, 2019