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a big lump with knobs. it has the juice. i can’t imagine a more beautiful thing. when i tried it with butter everything changed

for me, i really like corn.”
what do you like about it?”
“it’s corn.”

by president rin November 16, 2022


its a corny person : or can be used as in annoying.

your a corn brot.

by elloobyebyeeee July 29, 2023


a crackhead and appears to be annoying to others but a actually really nice and caring friend if you get to know a Corn

the 2nd member of pg

Have you seen Corn? - ye, he's probably playing JTOH.

by pg member numero 3 December 15, 2020


a crackhead and appears to be annoying to others but a actually really nice and caring friend if you get to know a Corn

the 2nd member of pg

Have you seen Corn? - ye, he's probably playing JTOH.

by pg member numero 3 December 15, 2020


The single most sexy vegetable of all, it's thick green stem speeding and thin green leaves, plump yellow kernels just begging to be plucked.

"Wow the corn looks great this evening!"

"Dad, you said that eight times all ready, please remove your testicles from the yams"

by SirSpankMeCrotch July 5, 2018


The unit for measuring clout. 5 corns is the maximum clout one can attain.

Can also be used to rate memes.

Great meme, 4 corns.

by stoutintern October 17, 2019

Corn shit

A pre anal ritual by shitting out so much corn is cleans your asshole on the way out.

Holy fuck, that nigga took a corn shit

by Yung nigglet May 8, 2021