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The Vacation Effect

An effect that happens to residents of usually rainy climates, on any nice day they feel as if they should be outdoors just because the weather is nice. Staying inside causes an anxious, agitated feeling, the Vacation Effect.

Bob had the Vacation Effect and called his friend Tom asking if he wanted to go outside and play frisbee with him.

by DaddyFliffus April 6, 2015

Pengelly Effect

The action of constant lying about things that have happened to you, to try and make yourself look better overall

Man 1: "I know a lot of billionaires"
Man 2: "You just committed the Pengelly Effect, Good Job"

by Whats_This? July 16, 2020

the rubby effect

The term used for people that you get the slightest contact with them (even by looking at pictures of them is enough) gets you an increased chance (100%) of autism just like the playingo effect

smh i got the rubby effect and the playingo effect all in one

by rubbygtnoob January 13, 2020

Khaki Effect

The journey a person goes through to become multifaceted.

It refers to having a variety of talents, interests, and skills, rather than being limited to one particular area. In other words, a multifaceted person or entity has multiple dimensions, abilities, or characteristics that make them versatile and well-rounded.

Wow, look at her! She's really embracing the Khaki Effect and pushing past her capacity.

by Hayvan21 February 6, 2023

The Butterface Effect

A group of farely not so good looking women around a very sexy and hot one making the hot one look better.

Dam that girl is looking way better because of the butterface effect, her friends are ugly but she is looking like a few dimes plus her penny friends

by DBruce12 June 26, 2011

The Nize Effect

When someone named Nizelle enters a voice channel and suddenly everyone loses in whatever game they're playing.

"Oh shit, I lost a fucking game. Did Nizelle enter the call? Oh shit she/he did, no wonder I felt the Nize Effect."

by Flamboyant as F December 11, 2020

The SAO Effect

When a series, whether it be a movie, game, or anime has a very good start, but takes a turn for the worst. A paradox where something is set up to be one of the best series of all time, and instead becomes one of the worst of all time. This can take many forms, as it can occur because of the following; Bad side characters, unoriginal plot twists, forced reverse tropes, an ungodly long name, main character having the Kirito face, the entirety of the Isekai genre, etc.

Guy 1: Man, Sword Art Online is my favorite anime of all time!

Guy 2: What's your second favorite? Cause The SAO Effect is in play

Guy 1: My Hero Ac-

Guy 2: Kill yourself

by CouchFucker69 February 6, 2021