A dorogitory term for 'come at me bro' emplying that your gunna bash this cunt
(At me bro is also exepiable)
Jayden: fuck you
Cody: at me boi!
Verb. The act of lifting someone and placing them on top of a refrigerator with ease.
My boyfriend said he would fridge me and I almost came in my pants.
Politely asking to be excused, in ebonics.
Excruse me Shantika!
A phrase used by a person who has a history of good press and online accolades when dealing with someone who has none.
Who tha fuck u think you’re talking to? Bitch, Google Me.
A word used by someone who is not genuine
don't sully me with your jokes
The changing of a person into a new form by giving up qualities and traits from their lifestyle to create a new lifestyle to leave behind the past
Person #1: So I heard you decided to be a neo-me
Person #2: Yep. I've decided to dump the bad habits of my past so I can have a better life without the guilt.