Source Code

can i get a hunyah

its a meme dumb a....

Can i get a hunyah. Hunyah.

by inosuke fanboy September 29, 2021

1๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

you can fidget my spinner

A phrase that can be used as a pickup line on someone to let them know you wanna hook up, but they don't have to believe it and will make you less embarrassed when they say ew no because it sounds really dumb.

Marsha: that was a fun date, we should do it again sometime
Antony: yeah, it really was, and I wanted you to know... You can fidget my spinner anytime!
Marsha: OMG lol Antony jokes like this is why I like you
Antony: oh yeah lol joke lolololol๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜ข

by Womanly_Bananas September 10, 2017

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a place where you can eat

Anywhere that's sweet, awesome or just a good place to be, especially in reference to a place to party or hang out.

Guy 1: What did you do last night?
Guy 2: I went to Chris's and smoked there.
Guy 1: Oh how was it?
Guy 2: It's a place where you can eat

by geoffm May 18, 2007

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Can i get a hot tub

wanting to be alone with a certain someone based off the situation you are in.

Sitting in your room, and a girl/guy walks by that you notice is very good looking and you are with other people at the time so you either think to yourself or yell out loud...Can I Get A Hot Tub!

by C_Luxurious August 31, 2010

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I can see through your eyes

A quiet expression of intimacy, shared when one can see through the eyes of another. Synchronicity of vision, across miles, between two people who have never met.

"I can see through your eyes", he said silently. So far away, she could hear him.

by Monkey's Dad June 17, 2022

I think we can rule out aโ€ฆ

I think we can rule out aโ€ฆ โ€” an endlessly productive word formula designed to explain the gravity of a situation through a poetically oppositional comparison.

How to use โ€œ I think we can rule out aโ€ฆโ€ as a word formula:

1) Undercover surveillance team observing a cross burning at a Neo-Nazi rally on the February 24 and 25th 2023 day of Hatred:

Well, I guess we can rule out this as being a Bar Mitzvah.

2) A hotel worker in New Orleans brings towels to the orgy room at a swingers convention:

Well, I think we can rule out finding Gandhi in that room.

3) A pork barbecue food truck vendor dives by a park were a vegan gathering of THE RAINBOW TRIBE is being held:

I think we can rule out finding anyone in that park who wants a good carne asada.

by Mind Hunter the Profiler February 25, 2023

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I can has cheese burger?

A saying used by n00bs looking to acquisition themselfs a tastey snax, most pr0bibly a ch33s3burg3r. This term can be used whilst at a WTFBBQ!!!!

" heyz im hungr3yz i want to has somethingz to eat at your WTFBBQ? , " I can has cheese burger? pretty plox?"

by c|G SnEdZ September 1, 2008

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