An expression of extreme fear
“Are you ready for the orgasmicon”
*sylvester stillone gulped*
*kermit the frog stood shakin’ in his Gucci boots*
Shakin’ In my Gucci boots
That moment when you excessively drink bubble tea for countless days on end
friend: Hey is that Bubble tea
Me: yes I am doing My Cat
me: ok im at home
my cat: rooooooooooooom im a car i` just got out of the car
me: oh no my cat is gonna run over me
me" gets run over while running down the hall
me: oooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
my cat is gonna run me over
Two very hot ladies who i want to motorboat all day long.
“Hey look! It’s your wives!”
“My wives?! Gahdaym! The strap is ON!”
A Karen-like bitch that takes your money, kids, car, house, dignity and almost everything in your life!
Virgin: What happened to you?!
Husband: My wife and I got divorced, and took almost everything in my life!