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Dick flogger

A machine or apparatus that enables a man pleasures a man without his partners help until he comes all over the floor like a snow dump at Xmas

Grant required a dick flogger as Mel had decided to watch tv and fall sleep.

by Swine Doctor June 24, 2022

50 dick situation

A scenario that is beyond your control and past your capabilities of handling.

The kitchen caught on fire and the dog got out. It was a real 50 dick situation.

by Gibones March 22, 2019

dinosaur dick

that on guy won always be hyping up his large cock but when the girl looks to see that cock went instinct
brad brad is succh aqdino dick

brad has a dinosaur dick

by arthurewsxz May 4, 2024

ma dick

dqsdqdqsd qdsq

dqdqsd qs dq ma dick dzaqdsqd qs dq sqd

by madick69 October 27, 2017

Diversity Dick

A man with a Diversity Dick is one who will hook up with any person.

Joe boned white girls, black girls, Asian girls, tall girls, short girls, your grandma, and your 19-year-old sister. He has a diversity dick

by iliketoshitmypants69 October 31, 2019

Get rich on his dick.

Gold digger, lazy, trophy wife

That girl didn't do nothing 'sept get rich on his dick.

by Aceiana June 29, 2020

bogdans dick

very small and stubby, also never gets hard. abt 1.5 inch max (foreskin not pulled back)

LMAO bogdans dick is so tiny the tip can even fit inside a wine bottle

by waterholes October 17, 2021