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A neck is when someone slaps the back of your neck when you say something stupid, really obvious, or what you said just doesn't make sense

Girl: whats 2+2
Boy: isn't it 13
Girl: NECK!

by cleo_saltymama October 28, 2016


to kill a cheeky bugger

I'm going to neck that bloke

by 8bit hades June 5, 2018


to commit suicide

Bro my girl just left me, i wanna neck.

by Lou s. Hole February 7, 2023


Neck slang for hanging yourself

1) said about yourself
2) used against someone else

1) "I'm gonna go neck myself"
2) "hey go neck yourself"

by Bozonicle March 24, 2017


in smoking; to consume almost completely

Pass the blunt, you're necking it. Don't neck the blunt!

by Jonathan "Jay" Gomez December 17, 2007


Neck meaning something is Awesome, or Cool or Bad Ass

Those new rims you got are Neck!

by Slick Slick June 6, 2022


When a girl (or a guy depending on your sexuality) sucks on your dick, another word for a blowjob.
What every boy in middle school wants...

Eric: Jane gave my neck last night, and it was so bad!

by idk_go away June 24, 2020