When someone wipes their GAS HOLE ‘anus’ after recently defecating. Key term is “recent” to coin the terms, “FRESHLY WIPED”.
Janice has a fetish to SNIFF, SAVOR and LICK her 76 year old husband’s FRESHLY WIPED GAS HOLE.
1. (Verb) The act of ripping a fart inside a glass walled shower.
2. (Noun) An enclosed space that smells like you just ripped one in a glass walled shower.
Man, this Olive Garden smells like a regular California Gas Chamber.
ADJ: Someone who believes yellow gas stations are okay: an idiot
I am a yellow gas station supporter.
What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to perianal abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Any Gas Unicorn Skin: The First Juvenile Release
A random phrase said by someone
Oh hey, Tim
Tim: Yes?
Strawberry gas grill!
The result of ingesting Mexican food, mainly Taco Bell
Aw man, shouldn't have eaten that Taco, that shit's giving me Toxic Taco Gas