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leotis games

Leotis games is a term for an amazing person who is very competitive and sopports Tottenham Hotspur

"This man is so leotis games because they sopport Tottenham Hotspur"

by Tottenham Hotspur fc June 5, 2019


impacting the course or outcome of events through the actions of an individual. positively connotated.

"With outstanding intelligence, wit and guts Kristof invented game-changing moves that left a mark on modern socializing forever.

by Krkič July 8, 2019

gaming monitor

billys silly catchphrase

gaming monitor

by gaming monitor dude August 21, 2021

Mystical Game

Mystical Game are types of games played by mystical gamers. They contain mystical characters with their mystical powers in a mystical land and they are controlled by mystical gamers who often spend multiple hours playing the game.These mystical games often last for 30 mins or more.

Krystin: David, you have been playing that mystical game the entire Saturday. Get off it

David: I have not been playing this mystical game the whole day...

by ShieldOfDeadman September 25, 2013

Sit On The Game

To never let go of a game for 1 second and that you're extremely attached to the game and love it so much.

Person 1: Hey man, have you heard that Alex likes to sit On The Game?
Person 2: Is it Fortnite?
Person 3: Fortnite creative mode.

by Likegenshinimpact=urG@y June 6, 2022

Toilet games

Those stupid app games that you only play because you're bored on the toilet.

Guy 1: Hey man you tried that new golf phone game?
Guy 2: Yeah! That's one of my toilet games! Lol

by Karab okama August 11, 2019

Binge Gaming

Binge Gaming was the counter culture push to turn Gaming into the Frontier of True Equality.

Trump won office and proved that it took the majority to win office; Binge Gaming proves that it’s access to the internet that prompted true equality.

by Binge Gaming July 5, 2019