Great-great-great-grandparent's parent.
My great-great-great-great-grandparent is a good person.
Great-great-great-grandparent's parent.
/ɡrāt n(y)o͞oz/
phrasal adjective
• when a correction as been made on a previously incorrect statement.
• when offering information that blatantly contradicts a previous statement to correct it.
• in response to an uncalled for statement or comment of either the absurd or scary nature.
Example 1
Sarah: I thought we weren’t getting a new update until next month?
Sarah: *after checking* Great news, it’s actually this Tuesday.
Example 2
tumblrpost#384: I read that the sky is red.
tumblrpost#384: Great news, it is not.
Example 3
tumblrpost384: A reminder that eating a carrots does not lead to immortal life.
forumuser544: immortal life is simply a vacuum in space that leaves you feeling cold and alone for the rest of eternity
tumblrpost#384: great news
When a wild Ralph and or chase is on another planet
Omg where am I... *post on private story “great news!”
Spouse's step-great-grandfather.
A war between Floptropica and Da Boyz from 1914 to 1918. The war ended with a peace treaty written by Tonyloni Lopezin after 635,873 citizens were killed, and 8,642,378,623 were maimed
My wig got snatched in the Great Badussy War