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A very very stupid person that gets bad grades

My boss is a big fat idiot.

by Billy bob koe March 22, 2022


You, for searchingidiot

A: Did you hear that O searched idiot on urban dictionary?
H: They’re such an idiot

by Goatmedude July 13, 2022


someone who is rlly dumb

wow ur such an idiot

by someone😍 March 8, 2022


A person who doesn't think or uses his/her inteligence

Luca is an idiot

by Zesty mf July 7, 2023

los idiotes

He/she who thinks he/she owns at MMORPGs, for whatever reason, specifically DAoC, which is a contradiction in terms.

also see- Imbalanced, Laughable, Retarded.

"I'm sitting in 3 day old sweat pants, unshaven, unshowered. I have no job, I smell like ass. Damn you, internet!"

"You said 'nerf' in your sleep, son. Get a job or get the fuck out of my basement, don't you see how much you're disappointing your mother?"

by hohoho February 11, 2004

Fucking Retarded Idiot-

Logan Thomas Ward

Bill said to Jim hey man did you hear about that Fucking Retarded Idiot- Logan ward

by Logan’s biggest opp January 22, 2024

big dumb lanky idiot

The hottest and D A N K E S T person ever.

I wanna be a big dumb lanky idiot.

by its olive April 29, 2018