A 69 involving 2 men who both have 90s porn staches
P1: Hey bro! Nice 90s porn stache
P2: you too! Wanna do a hairy rainbow?
P1: *unbuckles pants*
Something that makes a certain human laugh until they are about to have a seizure
The rainbow rack
A dubble rainbow is a sign that the majestic rainbow sloth or nyan cat is nearby.
When a dubble rainbow has appeared the majestic rainbow sloth is near.
a (not so) famous threesome. (a Moon, a Sun, and a Rain Cloud.)
object show fangirl/fanboy: wow, I love the Rainbow Nights!
me: wow. great!
When you're using a dildo and it is rainbow.
Friend 1: Yo man, what are you up to right now?
Friend 2: Hey dude, just Karting on Rainbow Road, you know how it is!
In the event you’re the lucky cunt that has more than 3 ingredients lined up of different ethnic backgrounds and you get to taste each flavour at your leisure e.g Asian lass, black lass, white lass and more.
1. Gents I’m hitting a rainbow roll tonight!
2. Jason: “ James, what happened to you last night? I saw you with the Asian girl and later the Black girl??”
James: “Dude, I got a rainbow roll”
What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: The 1928 Ghost Pepper Rainbow Messenger Add Oak For 10457-2219