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hairy armed monster

this is a woman who has arms made of hair. She also has a hairy face and god knows what else. She is usually small in height (a poison dwarf) and had an odd shaped body. She has greasy hair and tits bigger than her. Her name is usually Elaine, and corrupts innocent people by swinging her hairy arms about!

Oh my god, what happened to you?
i got attacked by the hairy armed monster!

help....save the service users,
the hairy armed monster is on the loose!!!

by odd that i find that freak so facinating February 19, 2008

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pit monster

Ruff as F*ck (RAF)

That bird over there is a fucking pit-monster!

by the girl who wanted to be GOD May 5, 2003

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Flying Spaghetti Monster

Is the true God of this world
Tramples all other religions.
The planets are actually meatballs.
God of the pastafarian religion.

Name of the sauce, the meat and the pasta, Spaghmon,
Please bless me with spaghetti for dinner tonight,
Thank you Flying Spaghetti Monster,

by Pastafarian is only religion August 19, 2017

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Dope Dick Monster

Dope Dick

A man that slings the dick i so satisfying to a female, she gets strung out on him like really good dope

I call him my Dope Dick Monster

by Fruity Pebblez February 10, 2018

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Sideways Monster Mouth

The vagina. Described as such because of its likeness to a monster's mouth, but rotated counter-clockwise ninety degrees into a vertical position.

"Oh my god. There I was drinking my vodka-cran while she shaved her sideways monster mouth..."

by Marimba Man July 4, 2009

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braless titti monster

A word meaning, When one, usually a female with large breasts otherwise known as boobs}, tit, knockers, {ta-ta's, twins, chi-chi's, or boobies, goes out in public not wearing the correct support needed to hold those babies in, and could possibly be sagging a bit. This person could accidentally fall or might possibly attemp to run, jog, or sprint, scaring people because they are a braless titti monster

1.) Steve - Oh man, did you see that girl trying to run to not miss the bus?

Mike- Yeah, she was a braless titti monster

2.) Bettina - Oh my god Krista, I totally forgot to put on a bra before going to the grocery store!

Krista - Wow. You look like a braless titti monster

by Krista aka Shelia April 26, 2008

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Strawberry Semen Monster

Sex on da rag...

Last night Latwanda was on her period, but I unleashed the Strawberry Semen Monster anyway... Now I need to buy new sheets

by DurkDurkDurka April 22, 2011

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