Dark Death is an underground Metal Band (one man band) project created by a guy named “Luna”, it mix atmospheric BM, Black Metal and other subgenres of the black metal
“wtf is Dark Death?”
Oh Dark Death is a Metal Band!
bro why did everyone leave?
someone gave Dark the invite and he ruined it.
Mean like you a hail yo chargie or yo put a pic and say dark for caption.
Mean like you a hail yo chargie or yo put a pic and say dark for caption.
(Noun) When used in the right context a dark can describe a mixture of a darsh and a nark. Darks generally don't have friends and are just annoying to be around.
Matt: Did you see that guy on the bike?
Chris: Ha yea, what a dark.
A girl who looks emo and 100% UGLY INSIDE AND OUT. SHES SO DUMB
Oml!! Lash!! Isnt that "Dark" shes SOOO retarted