Source Code

nipple smear

This is what happens when you roll over in bed using your elbows and accidentally crush your side-sleeping partner’s nipple between your elbow and the mattress. Generally makes said partner very very angry.

Faaaaark- you just gave me a nipple smear!!

by Smartmouth78 July 18, 2019

Talking Nipples

When you get so wasted or high that you witness someone’s nipples come to life and start talking to you.

Tim: *Takes one look at Angelica’s tits.*

Angelica’s tits: *Come to life* Hello Tim. *The talking nipples say*


by IAmTheOneWhoShits August 7, 2024

Nipple Piddie

A Nipple Piddie is...
a.) someone who has nipples
b.) someone who is very annoying

"Oh yea Bobby, he is such a Nipple Piddie."

by pudgie1o1 November 15, 2017