When you havent taken any vaccines in your life or if you didnt take the covid vaccine
Jayshawn: ayo your vaccine virginity?
Me: hell yea gang ian neva that fauci vaccine
Jayshawn: on gang
Sorta like a "virgin Mary", but instead a dude that gives a virgin birth out his ass.
Did you hear? Scientists found a Virgin Harry in Somalia!
Wow, how much did the Baby Poop Jesus weigh?
Beaner 1 ) *on ft with Beaner 2* Hey Beany have you had e-sex before
Beaner 2 ) n-nn-no I’m still an e-virgin
someone who's never even smoked weed, but they wanna 👍
guy1: are you a stoner?
guy2: nah, i wanna try weed tho
guy1: ah, so you're a reggae virgin!
n. someone who either does not slip or has not fucked with a condom on or have only had sex with people who haven't had a circumcision
"Oh, Al's such a banana peel virgin!" said Atlas
What you hear regarding how/when a gal lost her innocence.
Female celebrities often tell more than one virgin of the story when relating the lurid/sordid details of how they got deflowered.
A virgin man who has hair like cow poo.
That man over there looks like a cow pat virgin.