This phrase is to be used in response whenever a fandom for a specific piece of media is running out of things to say and they end up pointing out even the most minor of details that don't matter.
Fan: "Oh my god, I never noticed this character was taking 14 steps in this scene."
Everyone: "Dolores corn tweet."
adjective phrase
1. incredibly hot or sexy
2. i-want-to-bend-you-over-the-desk-right-now sexy
Mona: How do I look?
Dick: Damn, girl, you finer than corn silk!
extravagant self-centred devil person who yaps too much and likes corn
you are literally a devil with corns
a person who sticks it to corn, or a bucket of corn with butter.
Mike never leaves he's house because he's to busy being a corn sticker.
When a guy has a dick covered with pimples all over it representing the corn and sticks it in a girls pussy which is shucking it. The pimples pop and it lubbers up the pussy.
I caught him shucking the corn
When a girl is corn she is that hot/sexy that you would do anything for her i.e you would pick the undigested corn kernals out of her faeces with a tooth pick and eat them
That girl I picked up from the club last night was that hot/sexy bruv she is corn