On November 11th it’s National ask your crush out day
National ask your crush out day is today! Will you go out with me?
On November 11th it’s National ask your crush out day, it’s okay if they reject you
National ask your crush out day is today! Will you go out with me?
On December 14th it is national ask your crush out day! Its a day to ask them out but its okay to get rejected.
person 1: Dude its national ask your crush out day!
person 2: I know im so exited
On November 19th ask out your crush nervous or scared no matter what ask your crush out on November 19th “ Hey (Name) I like you and I just wanted to know if you want to go out (him/her) umm Yes/No”
National ask your crush out day means you should ask your crush out.
Ask your crush out on 28th July and she has to say yes
Boy Will go out with me
Girl yessss
Its National ask your crush out day shoot your shot
National Ask Your Crush Out Day is where whoever you ask out, has to say yes. If they say no then you can slap them :D Then show them this. Congrats.
"Will you go out with me? Cant say no, its NATIONAL ASK YOUR CRUSH OUT DAY."
Official ask a crush out day is on the date October 19th. Whoever your crush is, you have to ask them out. And remember, “if she says no then she must go, but if she says yes, buy her a louis dress”
Yeah, i asked katelyn out on National Ask Your Crush Out Day, October 19th.