A definition of Fake Phrase Totally Not Made By urbandictionary Users, probably involving sex in some way.
A fake conversation, usually between 2 people where someone mentions Fake Phrase Totally Not Made By urbandictionary Users.
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Definition: National stop making fake Holidays Day
Person 1: Today is national people who are 6'0 and have black hair day! Because I said it is!
Person 2: No.
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a dude who pretends to be a potc fan but dislikes potc 4-5 and says jack isn't the protagonist
"i'm a pirates of the caribbean fan,but i hate movies 4-5 and jack isn't the protagonist"
"ha,you're a fake pirates of the caribbean fan then,not to mention you're a major clown"
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Guys who think they're black but really are just being completely ignorant and crass with their life because they make powder look tan. But still think they're black and walk around with a nasty attitude and pick on other black dudes and other dudes that think they're black...YOU"RE NOT BLACK..because they're cooler than you!
Yo Devin Corbett is such a bitchass niggah fake ass black white boy!
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The code everybody who's a fan of the Etika World Network lives by. Anybody who breaks these 4 sacred rules is subject to evisceration and/or the Etika Backhand.
1. Etika: There is a set of code that accompanies this YouTube channel in every action it does! NO BITCH NIGGAS! NO SNITCH NIGGAS! NO TWITCH NIGGAS! And NO FAKE SWITCH NIGGAS! Get back to me on that last one, I still don't know what the fuck it means. If you are a member of this YouTube channel, you LIVE by these laws! What happens when we find, not just an individual, or a group, or an entity, WE FIND an ENTIRE COMPANY OF NOTHING BUT B I T C H - M A D E N I G G A S ? ! YOU KNOW WHAT WE DO?!
B A C K H A N D P I M P - S T Y L E N I G G A A C T I O N !
2. PERSON A: No bitch niggas, no snitch niggas, no twitch niggas, no fake switch niggas is the code everybody who's a fan of the Etika World Network lives by. Anybody who breaks these 4 sacred rules is subject to evisceration and/or the Etika Backhand. PERSON B: Cool!
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Ur mom and Jenna are protected this month from all of those haters
Ur mom and Jenna are protected and national National This is the only national thing this month everything else is fake
A day on April 21st. Just shut up, dude
Dude 2: shut up, its National shut the fuck up and stop making up unfunny fake days on urban dictionary day
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