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the act of milking a womans vagina, using only clitoral stimulation, until it spews enough love fluid to fill the average bar shot glass. usually followed by the injestion of fluid.

punit- damm thats some good tasting syrup
kabz- that aint syrup you donkey, its fukin she-juice
punit- hmmmm tastes like it came from ur momma
kabz- i'll kill ya!!!

by BIG DADDY K April 7, 2005

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narp juice

When dropping a mad duece; it's the toilet water that splashes up on your ass from the pure velocity of your log.

Hey Rick, can you pass me another roll of toilet paper?ย  I have been soaked again by narp juice.

by asshat47 April 2, 2009

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pickle juice

man juice

She made me lose my pickle juice.

by t-bot October 20, 2005

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giner juice

1. Juice that is excreted from the vagina during female orgasm. It was to be a bottled health drink according to Andy Ling when he was in 6th grade.
2. Any of the various lubricants that the vagina produces before sex or during female excitation. Usually clear in its purest form. Can also be sold on the black market for a phenomenal amount of money.
See also nani juice

"Man, I could go for a whole gallon of giner juice after that hanging out in that gay bar for four hours!"

"jesus christ in crotchless panties that bitch has a shitload of giner juice dripping down her legs!"

by Richardwrighteighteen April 1, 2006

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Cancer Juice

All soft drinks, especially Coke Zero.

Robin: Hey, JP, I'm goin' down to Safeway. You want somethin'?
JP: Yeah, can you pick me up some cancer juice?

by Blobs January 18, 2008

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Cow Juice

Cow Juice, also known as CJ, refers to the white liquid which is dispensed from cow's teats. It more commonly known as "milk".

Person one: we're all out of cow juice!
Person two: shit! what am i gonna have with my cereall?!
Person three: cow juice?
Person one: i call milk... COW JUICE.

by andIcall June 18, 2011

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Grind Juice

N. A mysterious liquid normall appearing on the frontal region nearing the crotch after a long night at the club, Also appears on the seat of a attractive woman's dress

1) Dude, i totally am soaked with ellen's grind juice!

by Edward valentine October 7, 2007

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