Source Code

armpit willy

When one person, with hands dripping wet, sneaks up behind another person and quickly wedges their soaked hands upwards into the armpits of the previously unknowing victim.

Dude, I gave her an armpit willy yesterday. She shrieked and then laughed.

by Cyber B June 21, 2008

Willy Wet Dicky

The act of giving another a wet willy, but replacing a finger with a penis.

I fucked this girl last night on the couch next to Joey, and accidentally gave him a willy wet dicky.

by Codeine Kids Next Door April 12, 2016

doody chute wet willy

when you brutally moisten your index finger and then shove it in the ass of one of your sleeping friends.

hey mike is asleep

I'm going to give him a doody chute wet willy

by TheColgator May 29, 2022

wankin the willy

beating your cock so much your sperm shoots out at 32mph onto your ceiling fan that sprays it around like the fucking 4th of july

Jeffery Epstein “Oh boy I’m gonna start wankin the willy to another underaged child”

The kids mom “I thought I sent my kid to a boy scouts camp. Not a fucking XXVIDEOS Orgy scene”

by Bill Clinton Touched Me May 15, 2023

Willy Classic

A Willy Classic (aka Monroe Classic) is when somebody puts their heart and soul into a project and say it's gonna be their "next big thing" and then after two weeks let it completely die and never bring it up or talk about it ever again.

"Willy, whatever happened to that -insert thing-?"
Either; "I don't know" or no response at all
"Willy Classic..."

by Burnswood November 30, 2023

Long Dong Willie

A black man with some form of the verb "Willis" in his name. Willis meaning "to dangle." A "Long Dong Willie" is a man with an irregularly large penis.

There is one long dong willie living today located in central North America. This LDW is Barry "THE DONG" Willis. This individual spends his time in strip clubs picking up other people's money off the floor and giving it back to the stripper.

Barry Willis

Alias used are...

The Dong
Long Dong Willie
The Grim Reaper
Long Dong

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 163
Penis: 2'

by WTBHeals March 23, 2010

Willy full of water

Term for a need to urinate.

That boy hasn’t gone to the bathroom all day. He must have a willy full of water.

by yd2k October 9, 2023