This is where you show respect to Christian vealer and people who don’t veil cannot celebrate
An amount of protein that is dangerous to consume, eating this much protein will not get you muscle it will just turn into fat especially if you don’t work out much.
160 grams of protein per day DOES NOT keep the doctor away.
On April 10th ,you have to date your crush/girlfriend.
Guy; Hey, its 10 april.(national date day)
Girl; Lets go date.
Where you ask out someone you like even if their taken on February 3rd.
1-“So I know your taken and all but todays National Date Day.”
2-“Damn fine.”
On December 1st it’s hug will day. Anyone named will that u appreciate. HUG THEM Give them some love 🥺
Person one - hugs will
Will - uhh okay
Person one - it’s hug will day
Hold a girls hand day. that’s it.
“Hey are you gonna hold a girls hand today?”
“It’s September 16th, you hold a girls hand today”