A rude, annoying, and cruel boy who rides a bus. If you are a boy by this name you may be the complete opposite but this name gives me the freaks! Dylan is a complete future man hoe! He tells you that you sleep with you parents and says he buys you dildos. Girls, if you find a Dylan than keep him close. But figure out if he is a man horror first.
Dylan: Hey, Girl, you slept with your dad last night!
Girl: Bitch no... no! *cries*
Dylan is a down to earth sweet guy , who cares for everyone (even family just doesn’t like to show it) he tries to hide his emotions but isn’t too good at it . If you find yourself a Dylan you’re pretty lucky he will love you unconditionally and be the best friend you could ask for or partner . Dylan is very sweet but he’s built a wall around his life if your lucky enough to tear the wall down then you’ve got him for life . Dylan is the sweetest guy you’ll ever meet but he’s a stubborn ass
Dylan is never going to let you live that down
Baddest b that ever did exist. DK from seventeen will fall in love with him. He always farts too loud and loses at all Mario party games. Is not funny at all and gets upset about it, so make sure to fake laugh. Dresses well and will show up to any event fitted, even if it means you look bad. All cats hate him and for good reason. One time he pissed himself at Seafood City. Has a nic addiction but will only smoke stupid flavors like watermelon bubblegum bitch. Listens to music that no "one has heard before" its Lany.
"Dang what was that smell?"
"Oh that was just Dylan... his farts always be stinking up the place."