He/she who thinks he/she owns at MMORPGs, for whatever reason, specifically DAoC, which is a contradiction in terms.
also see- Imbalanced, Laughable, Retarded.
"I'm sitting in 3 day old sweat pants, unshaven, unshowered. I have no job, I smell like ass. Damn you, internet!"
"You said 'nerf' in your sleep, son. Get a job or get the fuck out of my basement, don't you see how much you're disappointing your mother?"
Bill said to Jim hey man did you hear about that Fucking Retarded Idiot- Logan ward
A) Something, like an idea, for example, so buffoonish it's idiotic
B) a person behaving so buffoonishly they make an idiot out of themselves. Or a person behaving so idiotically they make a buffoon of themselves
Aruna Khilanani's ideas fit buffoonishly idiotic def a) while she as a person she is buffoonishly idiotic def b)
A)Something, an idea for example, so buffoonish it's idiotic
B) an intellectual who behaves so much like a buffoon in public they make idiots of themselves.
Aruna Khilanani and her ideas fit definitions a and b of buffoonishly idiotic.
A word used to casually describe someone not seeing the big picture/Someone who is acting blind to a situation. Not used in the real sense of the word.
Friend 1: he definitely does not like me
Friend 2: ya idiot, he’s obsessed with you!