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Guppy Master

The guppiest guppy of all the guppies. They also must be the smallest of all guppies. The guppy master is in charge of all songs and all guppy subjects.

Yo bro don’t mess with Cruz, she’s the guppy master.

by SOUR BOY REjeCT August 12, 2021

Guppy master

The tinyest guppiest smallest most beautiful guppy ever. Master of all other guppy’s and guppy songs.

Yo watch out for Cruz, SHES a guppy master

by Guppylova16 August 11, 2021

Master cropper

Big grain farmer

Man fuck this master cropper

by Ohreally♈️♈️ September 20, 2020

1👍 1👎

Master cropper

Grain farmer but mostly a piece of shit

Fuck this master cropper

by Ohreally♈️♈️ September 20, 2020

1👍 1👎

Fart master

Your dad

Oh the fart master is home

by Pure sing wave inverter November 4, 2022

Chia Master

Someone who has successfully mastered the art of becoming erect after entering the female body.

The man was a chia master with that bitch!

by SpottedTampon69 November 21, 2015

pooch master

A pooch is the master of dogs. In their free time likes to wrestle them for food as well as for pleasure.

Lisa is the pooch master

by biff734534 March 7, 2008