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MIKE IS THE BIGGEST LOSER ON THE ENTIRE EARTH AND EVERYONE HATES HIM. HE HAS PUSSY HAIR and he is HORRIBLE at basketball. even tho he thinks he is good he is really bad and no one likes him.
he never shares any homework with anyone because he thinks he is better than everyone and he thinks he has a giant dick but in real life it is MICROSCOPIC. he always tries to beat people in english and write more than them and decided to make his english narrative coursework on his poop getting stuck in his first dates toilet.
mike is not very kind and he loves to bully everyone and take pictures on peoples laptops without their permission
he also loves to sing but when people comment on it and say his singing is bad he starts to cry and goes to the bathroom to let out his feelings and cry. HE IS A CRYBABY.
he is also gay for anton
and lukas
and valdemar
both valdemars
and he loves tea
and loves saying "ahahahhahahaha" to bully aleixia and vigdis because he thinks its funny
and he loves snooping on peoples messages
thats all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mike: "my name is mike"
Me: *runs*

Mike: "my name is mike"
me: *slaps his face*

by amazinau March 8, 2022



Nothing better than a day full of mike.

by Flubbergup October 5, 2020


M in the NATO phonic alphabet

Marine: This is Oscar Mike over

Random dude: who’s Oscar and Mike

by A yank May 26, 2021


mikes love gay narwhals and pizza

mike: hey

by THE toru May 18, 2021


When a stock is going down and Mike decides it should go up.

I thought I would lose everything until the stock Miked and I bought a lambo

by In Mike We Trust February 12, 2025


Mike can be like funny or whatever.

Me: Share your name on instagram Mike!
Mike: nah I’m good

by 1ofamillion November 23, 2021


the majik man ! i fucking love that bitch !! all hail camel man

" mikes so fucking sexy "
" REAAALL hes so autism sexy hot man "

by majicmikeREAL November 20, 2022