When you’re doing a chick in the butt and you lean in to have a lick and she rips a fat fart
The moment my face hit her asshole she shot a fart out like a cannon my hair flew back. I had just received the Devils Dyson.
When your wife cheats when shuffling cards and gives herself all the aces and a couple of kings to boot.
Kath kicked her husbands arse at cards because she had mastered the devil shuffle...
The naughtiest of Columbia coke straight off the brick, ready to have a stripe
You got the devils flake lad
The act of one setting their fluctuance on fire. The methane from the fluctuance when exposed to fire turns the flame various shades of blue.
A term used mainly in the north east portion of the United States that gained popularity in the 1980's and 1990's when young teens discovered they could stay warm in the cold winter months by lighting their fluctuances on fire.
Chad can't walk today because his anus was severely burned when he got drunk doing 'blue devils'
When two men are engaging in oral sex at the 50 yard line. As the gentleman receiving oral sex is about to climax, the gentleman giving the oral sex stops prompting the gentleman receiving the oral sex not to climax
OH!! Perry!!! Im gonna cum.....hey......where you going???? You little Blue Devil!!!
When you do your significant other while simultaneously setting them on fire.
I gave her the Tampa Bae Devil Raze last night.