Dave: Did you run that family of four over with my car on the 15 of october 2023 at 3pm before dumping their bodies in the nearby lake?
BOB:I did not run that family of four over with my car on the 15 of october 2023 at 3pm before dumping their bodies in the nearby lake
A common misconception is that this refers to a quick shag. In actuality, one engages in a Pump & Dump when he cranks his hog whilst laying a log.
I’ve been baking this shit all day, can’t wait for a Pump & Dump when I get home!
When you have to go number two but don't have a facility so you have to hold it.
"I hate it when my old lady gets in the can before me, sits in there for hours while I dump wait."
When you take a Massive greasy dump on the top of someone's head after eating fried chicken
Girl: Do you want to give me the Crown Fried Dump later?
Guy: Yeah i'll go get some fried chicken first
The man/women/demon that always manages to obliterate all porcelain devices he/she/they lay eyes on.
Bruh, the dump lords at it again. This is just depressing
While a pull up is being performed naked, he or she will then take a shit at the same time.
The gym coach performed a pull dump to show off his phyisque.
Going somewhere else to poop to save money on toilet paper, water bill, etc.
Why isn’t Ron home?
Well, he went to McDonald’s down the street to take an economy dump. Man is on a budget.