A phrase commonly used when I play Carcassonne
I will recieve a piece of road as my tile for my go, when at that point I don't need it...
Great! A bit of road!
A road rocket is when you grind your dick across a running belt sander.
Bro i'm so horny right now, I could do a road rocket on my thing.
A sick indie rock rand consisting of a confident drummer, a bassist (niglet), a privileged rhythm guitarist, and a self centered singer.
"I saw a sick band last night! I think they were called Hollow Road"
Do you ever just be driving and have the sudden urge to swerve into a nearby sign or river? this is a road psyche, just that sudden urge to cause damage while on the road.
"Earlier today i had a road psyche it really scared me."
The driver of an automobile. Such as cars, motorcycles, semis, and or forklifts.
Be careful not to cause an accident and injure other road enthusiasts.
When you snort a lot of thick rocks.
Jorden went rocky road tiger tiger and now we are never gonna make cocaine outside of a lab again.
An American luxury car from either the 60’s or 70’s with no power and no handling whatsover
- has to have a humongous v8 with like 150 hp
- leans in every corner like it’s a 50 tonne freighter
Hey wanna go for a spin in my cadillac?
No man that thing rides like a road boat.