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a pacey one

Something that has a large amount of speed
Can also be done if used in the form of a verb

A train will be doing a pacey one after completing a loop the loop

by The Most Knowledgeable December 30, 2017

Lush one

When a straight married man gets drunk and ends up licking a gay man's anus

Did you hear about Gary? He was caught in the restroom giving some guy a lush one

by Nukky8 June 4, 2023

unspoken ones

Two completely messed up hoebags
who are hated by all who have any decency
if you meet them turn and run in thw other direction
or kill them

fairy 1: man the unspoken ones are fucked up
fairy 2: I know they should just fuck in a hole

by guess=] May 24, 2009

Your one

a male or female bear.

micheal was shagging your one

by Leons poopyhead August 19, 2021

One West

A term for doing hardcore drugs, commonly used in prison

Wanna go One West with me?

by fredj14 October 19, 2023

Omega and One

The symbol: w+1. This is the smallest ordinal number after "omega". Informally we can think of this as infinity plus one. One formulation of ordinals is to treat them as sets of all smaller ordinals. In order to say omega and one is "larger" than "omega" we define largeness to mean that one ordinal is larger than another if the smaller ordinal is included in the set of the larger. The set w+1 would be {w,0,1,2,3,...}. It would be composed of all the non-negative integers plus omega. Thus w+1 by this definition is larger. However, since the cardinality of every ordinal is represented by the cardinality of it's set, we can also show that in a sense w = w+1, since w={0,1,2,3,...} and w+1={w,0,1,2,...} we can pair off arguments as: {(0,w),(1,0),(2,1),(3,2),...}, which shows both sets have the same number of elements, even though w+1 includes one more. Confused? Basically there is two ways to look at comparison of infinities: the cardinal view and the ordinal view. By the ordinal view, omega and one is greater, by the cardinal view omega and omega plus one are the same thing. Cardinals don't play a large role in googology, but the countable ordinals do. So for our purposes the distinction between w and w+1 is important. (I copied this off a google site)

guy: yo I have omega and one pencils
guy 2: how the (AUUUUGGGGHHH) do you have omega and one

by SauceQuest31 December 29, 2022

aoul one

Somebody's mother, or ex girlfriend

"Go ride your Aoul one"
"I'd well fuck Ste's Auol one"
"Terry is a Chink"

by DJ Paul. June 21, 2008