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Forbidden dick Mode

Very few men have access to Forbidden dick mode it's a technique lost to time and has been forbidden. We do not know what the full potential of forbidden dick mode is but what we do know is that it can satisfy any woman, possibly increase dick size, vibrate, charge cumshots, etc. The abilities can also vary depending on the man not only the effectiveness but some users can conjure new abilities itself. Forbidden dick mode has consequences as well if not used in moderation,
Like losing your dick and/or balls, the females death or the user's, mind lost to horny thoughts,etc. I don't know too much about this mode if I find more then I'll update you guys

Chris:I used forbidden dick mode on her last night and she fucking died help me hide the body

Peter: holy shit you unlocked it?

by Loserbutbetter October 31, 2021

stupid mode

So stupidly easy its funny

I set a robot to stupid mode and it keeps runnimg into the walls

by todasen April 27, 2015

stupid mode

So stupidly easy its funny

I set a robot to stupid mode and it keeps runnimg into the walls

by todasen April 27, 2015

period mode

My teacher today in class.

shes on period mode

by Yourleftnut21 March 17, 2016

Andres Mode

When someone runs away from their home and is very sad.

David is going Andres Mode

by Lojghhhnn February 20, 2022

Varner mode

Choking in epic fashion

Did you see Harold Varners final 7 holes in the in the Charles Schwab? He went total varner mode.

by eeaa24 May 30, 2022

Cone Mode

When you blast ass so hard, liquid shit comes out like when you switch the hose setting to ‘cone mode’.

“Maaate, I just went absolutely cone mode on that fucking toilet

by Lochnessxx January 5, 2021