Something you use to store all your sexual play things in.
DUDE! this duckel bucket has so many dildos in it!
A well used vagina that is full of dents and lacks proper lubrication, the warranty is well over due. ED&MM
That chick has a rusted bucket.
Someone who is lazy and stinks. Basically they're like a sleaze bucket, but they have a really horrid stench.
John: When I went to Comic-con there was so many Stank Buckets, I was gagging all day.
Jeff: That's why I'm so scared to go.
When the person you work with marks off sick or changes what they are going to do for the day and fucks up your entire work day or week.
Why are you in such a bad mood man? I wasn’t supposed to be doing this today but I was bucket fucked again and got stuck with this shit assignment.
Someone who is dumber than dogshit - their brain is the equivalent of a bucket...FULL of dogshit. While probably also morally inept/retarded, their intelligence is likely due to inbreeding somewhere in the family tree, or possibly being tossed into a ceiling fan as an infant. They usually turn into a screeching autist when triggered for an illogical reason.
Alternative phrase: "Uglier than a bucket of dogshit".
"All these politicians are dumber than a bucket of dogshit. I would rather have a bucket of literal-fucking-dogshit 'lead' me than these political assclowns."
"A bag of hammers, a box of rocks, and a bucket of dogshit -combined- have more intelligence than that fuckfaced douchefag."
A real beatdown. A serious buttkicking.
Damn, the Steelers got bucket stomped last night! They were losing by four touchdowns in the fourth quarter when I last saw.
when you slap someone with a fish
ima hit him with a hersheys cum bucket