A fatass big tit faggot who gets dubbed by naya his real name is albieris and his tv is small just like his ant eater dick and he sucks at ball
omg he is such an ice burger it’s gross
A lackluster attempt at performing an action or duty while garnishing one's language with ultra-hip, teenageisms.
Even if you burger it in, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences may still find your performance moving, despite it's obvious lack of effort.
A delicious protein filled meat treat. Perfect for a bite to eat.
A delicious protein filled meat treat. Perfect for any gym boys looking for a lovely bite to eat
“Nathan did you prep your turkey burgers today?”
Defined as the bad quality burgers served in less than desirable joints which when cooked give off a horrible garlic type smell which resonates through the air for miles from the restaurant extractor. Normally found on the province of Magaloof on the Spanish island of Majorca.
Dude “Man, what is that disgusting smell that keeps blowing down wind?
Chick “Dude, it’s those Garlic-Mingin’-Burgers they serve down there…you can get a frickin’ egg put on top too, how weird is that man?!
Local Amigo “Hey man, that be some mighty fine local fricassee you be cussin’ there!”
To have your burger be buckled; "Buckle my burger" refers to the act of buckling one's burger (typically with some form of clasp or strap) in an act of frustration. Buckle my burger is, in the history of its nomenclature, a southern expression, however the internet era has transformed it into a meme, sarcastically parodying the ways in which a southerner, hillbilly, redneck, or fan of chacos speaks.
Dadgum son, why'd you go and throw all them gizzards off that there bridge? I done told you before, I will tell you again, it'll buckle my burger every time you throw them gizzards off that bridge. We're gonna haveta slaughter a whole nother gaggle of geese!