Binge Gaming was the counter culture push to turn Gaming into the Frontier of True Equality.
Trump won office and proved that it took the majority to win office; Binge Gaming proves that it’s access to the internet that prompted true equality.
The show that no matter what character you like they will be sure to die.
Guy 1: Yeah you hear about how ... In game of thrones died
Guy 2: dude everybody dies get used to it
To date a friends ex, or a guy they are interested in. This also goes for ex friends exes
She was a pro at the whores game.
Those stupid app games that you only play because you're bored on the toilet.
Guy 1: Hey man you tried that new golf phone game?
Guy 2: Yeah! That's one of my toilet games! Lol
Top notch hoe pullin type stuff.
The matters talked about in interacting with a fine woman at the club
Man you see that fine skeezer over there? She must have been spit Heet's Game
When somebody goes through a mentally insane phase where they play a game for a week make there profile picture the game make there life the game and then the next week its a different game. Pretty much everything for the week revolves around the game.
Colins current game phases is Undertale and his profile picture and everything about his is undertale themed.
Nick Is going through a roblox game phase and cant stop thinking about it