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Sconnie Hat Trick

Choking on national television 3 years in a row by losing a major bowl game.

(Ex. Inbred (Wisconsin) Badgers Rose Bowl 2011-2013)

"Only the Badgers could pull off a Sconnie Hat Trick, how fitting"

by Teddy Thompson January 11, 2013

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Gold Plated Tin Foil Hat

The hat one wears when they've gone so far into talking about random nonsense that they freak out if you call them out on it.

Different from the common tinfoil hat in regards to the wearer's randomness.

1 - "Goddamnit, Brendan is going off randomly about some nonsense again... He's got a gold plated tin foil hat on and is babbling about how insane it is that gold particles are just floating freely around us."

2 - "Did you see Brendan's text in the group chat, he is definitely wearing a gold plated tin foil hat today; he legit said, 'you guys ever rip and have to evacuate the area because the methane concentration is over normal bodily levels'. On top of that, he even freaked out after I asked him if he was wearing a gold plated tin foil hat."

3 - "Brendan freaked earlier after I told him to chill because he was talking at 100+ MPH about random nonsense. I'm also pretty sure I heard him say something about a gold plated tin foil hat he lost."

by sphiinx April 19, 2018

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Well shit in my hat and stamp on it

Expression of surprise and disbelief.

"Well shit in my hat and stamp on it! Tigers can swim after all!"

by scruffbag December 7, 2006

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Never pour gravy in a miner's hat

Well would you like it if someone poured gravy in your hat!No?Yeah exactly!

"Oi lets go piss off TJ"

"Never pour gravy in a miner's hat"

by NIGHTY G May 31, 2019

Throw your hat over the wall

To trap oneself into producing a result or achieving something monumental by making the consequences of not doing so painful, as in throwing one's hat over a wall that appears too high to climb so that one must find a way to the other side else live hatless.

"If you really want to move to that town, quit waiting for perfect circumstances; throw your hat over the wall and put in your 30-days' notice on your apartment so you'll HAVE to find a place down there."

by thatsthething March 20, 2012

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Said the man with the yellow hat

A phrase used to subtly imply that the sentence just said by your friend or peer wasbullshit or just plain stupid.

"I would climb that tree to the top with no ropes"

"Said the man with the yellow hat"

by Paulie! March 29, 2017

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Top hat, to stick ones dick into

A description of a ladys tunnel of love,when the lady in question has been fuckin since she was 14 years old

That crack whore wasn't worth $3 man,it was like stickin my dick into a top hat !!

by shitty Nicko November 18, 2004

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