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big dumb lanky idiot

The hottest and D A N K E S T person ever.

I wanna be a big dumb lanky idiot.

by its olive April 29, 2018


DESI is probably the BEST friend I have ever met in my life. Words can’t describe how much she means to me as a friend. She is the kindness, funniest, and most caring person in the whole world. I can always talk to her cause she’s so understanding and amazing in every way! Honestly I don’t know where I’ll be right now if it wasn’t for her. Every day I look forward to our calls and chats while we play games and watch shows together. She helps me through the toughest times and she always makes my life a thousand times better. If u ever meet desi u better treat her like a queen with respect. anyways ILYSM DESI AND I HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!


by .rioo. April 14, 2021

Focusial Idiot

Derogatory term: It's when your frustration is focus on one person that is being a idiot and grows over time when your with them and it doesn't die down because the more your with them over time the more angry time (In a sense of unargeement to one thing or when they are still be proven wrong). It can be the other way around for yourself or towards another person

Example: Me and you argue. I prove I'm right. You still challenge what I'm saying is right. I grow frustrated as we continue the disagreement. I'm being a focusial idiot for even arguing with a focusial idiot causing me to feel this mad.

by Dark Puzzle June 10, 2019

stupid idiot

my boyfriend

there's my boyfriend being a stupid idiot again

by _bologna__man_bolognaaaaa_ April 3, 2020

stupid idiot

An exaggeration for someone who is very stupid and acts like an idiot. If you say this, your principle/headmaster will say that it is redundant. But who cares.

“Bob just threw a long over the cliff.”
“What? Why?”
“So that he could see if it could fly.”
“He’s such a stupid idiot”

by fun bobby April 22, 2020

stupid idiot

spencer. because he thinks he loves me more and he doesn’t

i love you more.” an example of a stupid idiot

by spencersgf April 1, 2022

idiot bitch asshole


Ricegum is a idiot bitch asshole

by Trosh Frosh LOsh August 26, 2018